Monday, March 9, 2009

Pedagogical Preponderance

As my thoughts wander toward ensemble conducting, I frequently think back to my training and how I was really ill-prepared to enter the world of leading an orchestra, band or choir. It seems that conducting pedagogy is not what it needs to be to fully equip a young conductor to handle the situations put in front of them, whether it be musical challenges, personnel issues, or the organization required before and after each rehearsal.

This may be a common vein in my hoe down of a blog, but I have been thinking about this for a while. How do you prepare a young conductor to go before an ensemble and lead effectively, efficiently, and most importantly -- musically? Can you prepare someone fully or are we only able to present them with the most common situations that they may come across? Perhaps the answer is both yes and no. Yes, you can offer a student a most comprehensive education and practical lab from which they can hone their skills. But no, they will likely not understand their education until later...sometimes much later.


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