Hello Everyone!
After what seems like years...I have finally been able to totally revamp my professional conducting website. It has morphed over the years beginning as a humble personal presence in the early 90s, moving to a one-stop-shop tool treasury for computer techs, then to the current site as a presence for my conducting career. Web design is truly a labor of love. There are so many elements to incorporate these days and so much to learn - ahhh the marvels of modern web technology!
While I was researching and prepping for my conducting web, I was concurrently preparing to build my photography web presence as well. Call it photography business 2.0 since I was a pro photographer during the film ages. I spent many, MANY countless hours in the darkroom. And, as much as I enjoyed those time in the early 80s and into the 90s, I don't miss the smell of the chemicals. I miss the creativity and the anticipation of the image appearing in front of you though. These days, if you shoot in RAW format on your DSLR, you can get the same, similar or even better effects using an image processing software like photoshop, GIMP, lightroom, or even iPhoto! Yes, the deeper you get into professional photography the more post processing you find yourself doing. Shooting in a RAW format, for those of you who may not know, provides a significant amount of digital information that can be utilized in post. While you still set up your photographic environment for a quality shoot (that's where it counts the most in my opinion), you actually process, albeit "develop" your image via the image processing software. During the darkroom days I would burn in or dodge certain areas to highlight or deflect, these post darkroom days, you can accomplish the same thing -- without the darkroom smell or the sequestered little safelighted room! If you shoot straight to jpg, you don't have to worry about this software
Included are a couple of images from past shoots.
See you at the concert hall or the next shoot!!
Safe surfing,